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Agreement between the Zimbabwe African National Union-Patriotic Front (ZANU-PF) and the Two Movement for Democratic Change (MDC) Formations, on Resolving the Challenges Facing Zimbabwe

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The agreement concerns permanent resolution of the challenges facing Zimbabwe in the areas of political, economic, social, humanitarian issues. It expresses the commitment of the parties for economic development of the country, land reform program, creation of a new Constitution and Government, equality and unity, rule of law, political rights and prevention of violence.

Agreement between the Transitional Federal Government of Somalia (TFG) and the Alliance for the Re-Liberation of Somalia (ARS) (Djibouti Agreement)

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This agreement establishes a cessation of hostilities between the two parties for an initial period of 90 days. The parties call for the deployment of a UN stabilization force, and sets up a Joint Security Committee to follow up the implementation of security arrangements.

Memorandum of Understanding between the Zimbabwe African National Union (Patriotic Front) and the two Movement for the Democratic Change Formations

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In this agreement, the two parties commit to dialogue to create a permanent and sustainable solution to the Zimbabwean situation. The parties set up an agenda for negotiations, a timeframe (two weeks), a venue and nominate facilitators (SADC and AU). The parties also agree on interim security measures.

Accord de paix global entre le Gouvernement de la Republique Centrafricaine et les mouvements politico-militaires APRD, FDPC, UFDR

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This comprehensive agreement materializes the will of the parties to participate in the inclusive political dialogue. It reiterates the commitments of previous agreements, including the cessation of hostilities, rehabilitation of militaries, amnesties, and cantonment of troops. It establishes the principle of the participation of representatives of the politico-military movements in the state affairs. A follow-up committee gathering representatives of the parties, the facilitator (Gabon), the United Nations and the Francophonie is created.