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Mediation strategies that systematically include women, and civil society more broadly, are more likely to generate ownership and support for a negotiated settlement. Peace agreements that are responsive to the specific needs of women and girls, men and boys are more likely to contribute to sustainable peace. For these reasons, and to uphold its human rights obligations, the United Nations is fully committed to promoting women’s meaningful participation and gender responsiveness in its preventive diplomacy and conflict resolution efforts.

One annual key initiative, undertaken since 2013, is the UN High-Level Seminar on Gender and Inclusive Mediation Strategies, conducted for envoys, senior mediators and mediation experts from the UN, Member States, regional organizations and NGOs/CSOs. The overall objective of the Seminar is to generate more inclusive peace processes by promoting women’s effective participation and building inclusive, gender-sensitive mediation capacity at international, regional and national levels. The Seminar offers practical "how-to” strategies and tools for more inclusive mediation process design, as well as options for gender-relevant provisions for the key thematic areas of peace agreements.