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A variety of different technical expertise is available to UN envoys and senior mediation action, as they seek to ensure more inclusive and gender responsive peace processes.


1. The Gender, Peace and Security Unit


The Gender, Peace and Security Unit, located in the Policy and Mediation Division of DPPA, provides support and technical backstopping on an ongoing basis to DPPA-led mediation efforts, and staff at Headquarters and in field missions. Additional support is available through the UN DPPA’s Standby Team of Senior Mediation Advisers (SBT).

2. Gender Advisers and Gender Focal Points


Gender Advisers are deployed in most of DPPA’s special political missions, while all missions have dedicated gender focal points and some also dedicated gender focal points within mission components. The gender experts work closely with the mission leadership and staff to provide technical expertise and to mainstream gender in all mission activities, including efforts to promote inclusive conflict prevention and mediation.

3. Standby Team of Senior Mediation Advisers


To support global mediation efforts, UN DPPA’s Standby Team of Senior Mediation Advisers has a full-time expert on gender and inclusion. Gender and inclusion expertise is also a recruitment criteria for all Standby Team members. This aims to ensure that all SBT support is gender sensitive.

Standby Team 2024