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A/RES/37/10. Manila Declaration on the Peaceful Settlement of Disputes

The annex to the General Assembly resolution 37/10, also known as the Manila Declaration on the Peaceful Settlement of International Disputes, reaffirms the principles set out in the Charter that all States shall settle their disputes by peaceful means and listed, inter-alia, negotiation, mediation and good offices as means to seek a peaceful settlement.

A/RES/68/303. Strengthening the role of mediation in the peaceful settlement of disputes, conflict prevention and resolution

Adopting by consensus a text on the topic, the Assembly encouraged the United Nations and regional and subregional organizations to continue to develop their mediation capacities; use United Nations Guidance for Effective Mediation in their efforts; and increase awareness of the importance of mediation through conferences, seminars and workshops.  In that regard, it welcomed the “Mediation in the Mediterranean Initiative”.

Guidance on Gender and Inclusive Mediation Strategies

This UN DPA guidance seeks to inform mediators and their teams, as well as conflict parties, about the principles and strategies for the effective inclusion of women, as well as a gendered perspective, in mediation processes. The guidance addresses mediation preparation, process design, and substantive issues including security arrangements, participation, constitutions, language and the implementation of peace agreements through a gender lens. 

Policy Note on the United Nations Secretary-General's Call for a Global Ceasefire: Challenges and Opportunities

On 23 March 2020, Secretary-General António Guterres issued an appeal for an immediate global ceasefire to help create conditions for the delivery of lifesaving aid, reinforce diplomatic action and bring hope to places that are among the most vulnerable to the COVID-19 pandemic. As of 23 June 2020, the Secretary-General's call had received support from 179 Member States and one non-member observer State, as well as a range of regional organizations and international and local civil society actors.

The Implications of Climate Change for Mediation and Peace Processes

Climate change effects are felt in every corner of the world and can affect conflicts in different ways. They can be a source of conflict, a multiplier of existing risks, or an opportunity for manipulation by conflict parties. Building on DPPA’s broader efforts to address the complex linkages between climate, peace and security, this note aims to provide guidance to mediation practitioners operating in climate exposed and fragile contexts. It explores the opportunities and challenges of incorporating climate change considerations into peace processes and presents concrete measures to be taken.