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The Global Ceasefire Agreement

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The parties to the Global Ceasefire Agreement undertake to implement in full the following agreements: The Ceasefire Agreement between the Transitional Government of Burundi and the National Council for the Defense of Democracy-Forces for the Defense of Democracy (CNDD-FDD), signed on 2 December 2002;The Pretoria Protocol signed on 27 January 2003;The Pretoria Protocol on political, defense and security power-sharing in Burundi, signed on 8 October 2003;The Pretoria Protocol on outstanding issues of political, defense and security power-sharing, signed on 2 November 2003;The Technical Force

Forces Technical Agreement (FTA) between the Transitional Government of the Republic of Burundi and the CNDD-FDD

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This agreement addresses the technical arrangements concerning the restructuring of the Burundi Defense and Security Forces. The agreement deals with inter alia the role, functions, structure and training of the National Defense Force, National Police and the Intelligence Service of Burundi.

Protocol on Outstanding Issues of Political, Defence and Security Power Sharing in Burundi (Pretoria II Protocol)

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This agreement complements the Pretoria Protocol of 8 October 2003 and gives effect to the agreements reached on power sharing (paras 1.1.12 and 1.1.15) in the Ceasefire Agreement of 2 December 2002. This agreement completes the reform of the security sector.  

Pretoria Protocol on Political, Defense and Security Power Sharing in Burundi (The Pretoria Protocol)

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This agreement provides political and security power-sharing arrangements. It includes arrangements on the executive branch, the legislative branch, the local government, the governors of province and diplomatic corps, security power-sharing. It calls for the restructuring of the armed forces, the police, the gendarmerie and the intelligence services.

Agreement on Security Arrangements during the Interim Period

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In this agreement the parties reaffirm their commitment to conduct negotiations, to maintain two separate forces during the interim period and deploy joint units as a sign of national unity. The also agree to an internationally monitored ceasefire which shall come into effect on the date of signature of a Comprehensive Peace Agreement.

Peace Agreement between the Government of Liberia, the Liberians United for Reconciliation and Democracy, the Movement of Democracy in Liberia and the Political Parties

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This comprehensive agreement includes provisions on a ceasefire, the deployment of an international stabilization force, post-conflict military and security reform, establishment of a commission on human rights and the establishment of a transitional government until January 2006 when the next elected President of Liberia shall be inaugurated. The agreement calls for the suspension of the constitution to allow these exceptional measures until the elections are held an a new President elected.