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Joint Declaration that the Federal Government and the EZLN shall submit to National Debating and Decision-making Bodies

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

This declaration is part of the San Andrés Larráinzar Agreements from 16 February 1996. It announces the Recognition and Promotion of the Indigenous Peoples' Rights which promotes political participation and representation, access to justice, education, health and other conditions. It also calls for the building of a new legal framework to ensure the implementation of the agreed issues. This agreement is based on point 1.5 of the rules of proceedure.

Commitments for Chiapas by the State and Federal Government and the EZLN under Paragraph 1.3 of the Rules of Procedure

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

This agreement declares the commitments for Chiapas made by the State and Federal Government concerning issues pertaining to the constitutional framework for autonomy, municipalities, participation and representation, access to justice and education.

Actions and Measures for Chiapas Joint Commitments and Proposals from the State and Federal Governments and the EZLN

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

This agreement implements the Agreement on Commitments for Chiapas by the State and federal Governments and the EZLN under paragraph 1.3 of the Rules of Procedure. It addresses political participation and representation, justice, the rights of indigenous women, access to media and education as well as the recognition of indigenous culture.

Agreement Regarding the Joint Proposals between the Federal Government and the EZLN

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

This agreement encompasses the following documents: Joint Declaration that the Federal Government and the EZLN Shall Submit to National Debating and Decision Making Bodies; Joint Proposals that the Federal Government and the EZLN Agree to Submit to National Debating and Decision Making Bodies, in Respect of Point 1.4 of the Rules of Procedure; and Commitment for Chiapas Made by the State and Federal Governments and the EZLN, in Respect of Point 1.3 of the Rules of Procedure.

Conclusions of the Peace Implementation Conference held at Lancaster House (London Conference)

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

These documents constitute the conclusions of the London Conference on the former Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia:The 'Statement of Principles' which includes a commitment from all the parties to cease the use of force, respect human rights and allow the supply of humanitarian aid; the 'Final Statement of the Conference on Bosnia' affirms that a political settlement in Bosnia and Herzegovina must include a full cessation of hostilities, the respect of frontiers and future peace negotiations with the possibility of deploying a UN peacekeeping force; the 'Con