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Transitional Justice: A Strategic Tool for People, Prevention and Peace

The potential of transitional justice, as a strategic policy tool to help build just and inclusive futures in fractured societies that are grappling with legacies of conflict and/or large-scale human rights violations and abuses, is often underutilized by States and other stakeholders. Offering a comprehensive framework for analysis and coordinated action to address widening and harmful justice gaps, transitional justice can be a catalyst for change for societies at large, in addition to being a critical modality of redress for victims.

The Rule of Law and Transitional Justice in Conflict and Post-Conflict Societies: Report of the Secretary-General, S/2011/634, 12 Oct 2011

The present report is submitted at the request of the Security Council (see S/PRST/2010/11) to take stock of progress made in implementing the recommendations contained in the 2004 report of the Secretary-General on the rule of law and transitional justice in conflict and post-conflict societies (S/2004/616), and to consider in this context further steps to promote the rule of law.

Transitional Justice and Peace Negotiations with a Gender Lens

This brief is part of a Gender Briefing Series to support women’s meaningful participation and the integration of gender perspectives in peace processes that aim to end violent intra- state conflict.

The key target audience is women, gender equality advocates and others engaged in peace processes, who wish to influence negotiations with a view to: (a) addressing the particular experiences of women dur- ing conflict, and (b) achieving lasting peace process outcomes that will improve women’s lives and the lives of those around them.